Inflammation and redness around Penis: Causes, Symptoms and Prevention 2022
Every 1 in 25 men report having faced conditions such as swelling and redness around the penis. The swelling and redness can be extremely uncomfortable and create difficulty in the day to day life, sexual encounters, urination, and even walking. These symptoms can be highly distressing, especially when you don’t know the reason for them. So, why is your penis red and swollen? The most common reason for swelling and redness around the penis is unhygienic genitals. Unhygienic genitals serve as the breeding ground for bacteria, fungi, and viruses which can lead to infections in the penis. Penis infections can range from mild and easily treatable conditions to severe or chronic illnesses. One of the most common infections is Balanitis. What is Balanitis? Balanitis is a condition in which the head of the penis, also known as the glans penis gets swollen and inflamed . Balanitis is a very common condition that affects about 3–11% of males. The condition that occurs in men with a...