What is a Hot Penis?
A burning sensation in any part of the body can be uncomfortable and even more if it's in the groin area. The burning sensation in your penis while urinating and maybe alongside other symptoms is what is known as Hot Penis. There are multiple infections and diseases that can cause a hot penis. Some of the times the burning sensation is caused by an inflammation of the glands, but the most common reason is an allergic reaction from the friction of your underwear, although there are situations in which this inflammation can be a sign of a more serious problem, like an infection or an STI. The burning sensation can also happen only with urinating; this is usually related to a UTI. Here are 4 reasons for a hot penis: Friction from underwear Due to the increased heat and humidity in your private area during the summer, you can feel a burning sensation without any other symptoms. It can be more prevalent for those who choose underwear made from synthetic materials. How to fix i...